Welcome To the Augusta "Steam-It" site


Welcome To the Augusta "Steam-It" site

2nd Corinthians 5:17 If ANYONE, is in Christ, He is a new creation


  The  picture  to  the  right  is  me,  Lisa Coles.  I  am  active  and  involved  in  every  project,  love  my  work,  and  take  pride  in  seeing  your  project  completed  to  your  satisfaction.


Thank  you  for  visiting  the  'Augusta Steam-It'  web  site.  Take  your  time  and  look  around,  feel free  to  call  anytime  with  questions  or  to  request  a  price  on your next  project,

These  pages  will  help  you see  why  our  motto  has  become,  "Augusta Steam-It, The  name you  have  come to  trust"


Our History

Augusta Steam-It  was  started  here  in Staunton  in July  of 1992. I started  with  one truck,  and carpet cleaning  was  the  main service  that  I offered.

 As  I met   insurance adjusters  on  fire and flood restoration  jobs,  I  was  asked to  do small painting  and repair  jobs.  The  quality  of work  I provided soon  led me into  larger  and more involved  projects.

As time passed,   my  children  grew up  and  my youngest  returned home  from college, and    joined  me  in  a partnership. This allowed  for  a  major expansion  in the business, Bringing  a new energy  to  an already  highly motavated  company.

My son, Joe Hartley,  quickly  moved into  the  ' Exterior painting project  manager'  position.  His  focus  on  quality  work, top of the line products,  and  crews dedicated  to  each  project,  have   proved to be a winning  combination  not only for our company  but  for  our customers.

Today,  Augusta  Steam~It  Is  one  of  the  largest  and  most  complete  Painting  Contracting  Companies  in  the Staunton  Area,  Thanks  in  part  to  the  most  important  part  of  our  company, namely, YOU   Our  valued  customers.

Still  owned  and operated  by Lisa,  Augusta Steam~It  has  evolved  into  a  family  business.  Carpet  cleaning  was  phased  out  a few  years  ago,  allowing  Lisa  to  focus  on what  she  does  best,  namely    exterior  and  roof  painting  .     Your  TOTAL  Satasfaction  has  been  and  continues  to  be  the  key  to  our  future. 

 A  personal  note  from  Lisa

In  all  that  I  have accomplished,    I  must  give credit  where  credit  is  due.    I  have  been  blessed  in  so  many  ways,   includeing  health,  talent,  and  a  very  positive  attitude.  These   things  were  gifts  to  me,  from   God.   Without  his  love  and  blessings,  with out  his  grace,  none  of  this  would  be possiable.  My   wish,  is  to  pass  these  gifts  on  to  you,  to  give   praise  and credit  to  God  through  my  daily  life ....                             Lisa Coles

Our goals

Our  goals  are simple.  We  want you,  our customer,  to  be satisfied  with  every aspect  of  our company,  from the first  meeting  when  we evaluate  your  project,  provide you with  color  and product  choices  ,  and quote  a price,  to  the final  day  when  we   move on to  our next  project.

We  try, in part  to acomplish  this,  by  giveing  "FIRM QUOTES".  We  do  what  we say,  for the  price  we  "QUOTE" .....   Its  firm,  It  doesn't change,  it  is  not  an  "ESTAMATE"

We  use Quality  products  depending  on  our  customers  prefference  ,  and  can  offer  all  major  brands  of  paint.  . By  not  restricting  ourselves  to  any  one  brand, we  can   offer  products  to  fit  any need that  we  may  encounter.    Every job is   a dedicated job. In other words,  once  we start,  we are there  every day {except sundays} until your project is completed.

On every job,  we   provide  everything,  from the  paint   to the labor. We  put our  money  and time  up front,  asking and requireing  absolutly  NO MONEY  DOWN.  When  we are finished  and you are satisfied,  then  and only then  do  we expect  payment.

For  your  protection,  We  maintain  a  full  1/2  million*  in  insurance  liability  coverage,   which  covers    both  personal  injury  and  property  damage  coverage.   *  300K  with  a  600K  combined  limit

I  founded this company  based on honesty  and integrity,  It continues  on that  path  today. 

My  company  requires  that  all  employees   remain  drug  free.  I  do  random  drug screens  to  assure  that  this  reguirement  is  met  and  maintained. 

You can  rest assured,  that Augusta Steam-It   brings  with it, Professional quality  painters, Quality  products  and equipment,and  most importantly, an  attitude and reputation that  has  allowed us to grow into one of   Stauntons  &  Augusta County's Leading  Painting Contracting Company's. 




Your one call for total home maintanace and repair

I realised  , a long  time ago,  that the more people  i had to call in to  get a project  completed,  the more  it cost  me in  time,  money,  and stress.  Augusta Steam-It  offers a complete  painting menu, from masonery  foundations, brick  and stucco  buildings, wood   trim  and sideing,  Metal  sideing  and yes  metal  roofing.Your one call  puts you in touch  with a company  that  can  replace  damaged  wood,  make  the nessessary  repairs  to  your home, do  reasonable  archatectual  changes  to  enhance  the  bueaty  and features  of your home, and then assist you in the color  selection  process to  make your home  not only  bueatiful, but  unique  to your  taste.


 Quality Craftmanship  In  The Tradition Of  The  Old  South.

Pride, Honor and Integrity, Are an ABSOLUTE  with My  Company


No  job  is  to  large ,  with  the  resources, and  highly trained  & skilled craftsmen that we have  at  our disposal.

We are known  for  takeing  older  homes and turning then into  show peices  in their neighborhoods, biringing out   features   that have been  hidden  for decades, with the proper use of accent colors.

We  know,  your finished home, is with out question,  our best  advertisement.