What we do



From Exterior and Interior painting, To Roof painting and Deck Staining, Augusta Steam-It offers the services that you need at a price you can afford, with the Quality you deserve


Exterior Painting

From  a  large historic home or commercial  building, to  a  small  out  building, Augusta Steam-It  has  the  answer  to  your  Exterior  painting needs. 

 Our focus  is  on  not only the asthetic  aspect. We realise  that  the coatings  we apply  are critical  to  your homes  protection  from  the weather.   All of our  exterior painting  is  comprised  of  proper  surface preperation,   ample  caulking,   a suitable  primer  for the surface  we are working with, then an application  of  top  quality  paint in your choice of color and finish...giveing  you  a full  two  coat  finish.

  We  offer  decorator  services  to  assure  that  your  color  choices  fit  your  home,  and  your  style.

  historic  Restoration  is  our  specialty.

Metal Roof Painting

Metal  roofing  is  one of the most  durable  and  bueatiful  forms  of roofing. The cost of replacement is very high, and in some areas, historic regulations  restrict  the conversion to  asphalt  type shingles.

With  proper  color selection,  coupled  with  proper products,  Your  metal roof  can add so much  to  the bueaty  and  value of your home.

We  prefer to  use  Davis Frost  oil  based  paints  on  roofing  jobs.  The  paint  stays  stuck,  resists  rust,  and  provides  a  greater  degree  of  customer  satisfaction  then  the  so  called  "  modern  mericle  acrylics"  offered  at  higher  prices. 

Safety  is paramount  in this area,  falls  are potentialy   fatal,  and with  that in mind,  we assure  our workers safety  and your peace of mind, by  attaching permanant anchors  to your roof, then,  requireing  every  worker  to  wear  a full body harness and life line. They  simply  can not fall off of your roof. The  anchors  are  small,  painted to  match  your roof,  and left  in place after  we  finish.

Augusta Steam-It  has  the  experiance  and  expertise  in  this  field  that  assures  you  of  top  quality,  and  long  lasting  finished  products.  Dont  settle  for  less.    Even  a  smaller  metal  roof  can  cost  upwards  of  $30,000  to  replace.  Proper  maintanace  is  critical. 



Interior Painting

This is Lisa's  area.  She   has  the ability  to  repair walls,  aid in color  selection,  present  ideas  and  consepts  to  transform  an ordanery room into  a  room  that has   a personality.  Offering  a complete  renovation  concept is  where  Lisa shines.  Lisa  takes  a  plain room,  Adds archatectual  wall paper,  chair rails and crown mouldings. Coupled with  colors  that  bring out  the rooms  high points ,  rooms  come  to  life,  houses  become homes,  reflecting  the tastes  or  the families  that  live there..

 When  at  all possiable,  we  attempt  to  schedule  interior  painting  in the  fall  and winter, as  our  summer  schedule  is  always  very  buisy  with  exterior  work. Should  you  have  a pressing  need  or  a construction  deadline,  we  can  always  fit your project  into  our schedule

And the other things we offer

A lot of homes  have  good paint  and  just look dirty.  Mildew,  dirt,  spider webs , all distract  from a homes apperance.  We offer  a powerfull  washing system  that removes  most  dirts and stains  in a  safe and affordable manner. Paint and  other sideings  are left  clean  and  stain free.  Landscapeing  and gardens are  not harmed by our products.

Decks  are very popular, and proper  maintanace  protects  the wood  and improves the apperance. There is also  some concern  about the  preservatives used  in the  older  pressure treated woods.  Proper  maintanace  not only seals the weather  out,  it seals these preservatives  in to the wood,  so that  you and your loved ones are not exposed to potentaly  harmfull chemicals.


And yes,  though  some love it,  and others  hate it, we all have to  deal with  winter  and the snow  that  comes along with it. We  offer  a   snow removal service  for  residential  and commercial  settings. Our snow removal  contracts  are   automatic,  you   set it up one time,  and never  have to call again.  Just  set  back  and  let  Lisa  plow  you out. Learn  the meaning  of that  saying, " A woman  and  her truck, It's a  bueatiful thing"

AS  an  update,  We  now  run  two  diesel  pick  up  trucks  with  snow  plows,  and  offer  snow blower  residential  service  for  driveways  and  walk ways.